Cell Phone - Device Policy

Student Owned Cell Phone / Device Policy

As a school community we recognize the benefits of students using mobile technology devices for educational purposes. Mobile technology devices include, but are not limited to, laptops, netbooks, tablets, iPads, iPod Touches, smartphones and eReaders.

Your child may wish to bring their own Personal Device to assist in the learning process and are reminded of making good decisions when using their device. 

These conditions apply:

  1. Students may use personally owned mobile technology devices at school for educational purposes only when the applicable teacher grants permission.
  2. Before bringing a personally owned mobile technology device to school, students should record its serial number and maintain that information at home.
  3. Any mobile technology device that is brought to school should have a fully charged battery at the beginning of the day.
  4. Students are responsible at all times for complying with the Student Code of Conduct, Student Technology Acceptable Use Policies and Guidelines, and the conditions outlined in this document.
  5. Students may not disable or attempt to disable JP Robarts' technology settings or filters.
  6. J.P. Robarts is not responsible for charges that may occur from accessing cellular networks.
  7. Students must keep electronic comments and posts relevant to the class content and consistent with educational purposes.
  8. Students must obtain permission from a teacher or administrator before recording, taking pictures, or publishing images, information, or works of individuals or groups. Recordings and pictures may be taken for teacher-approved projects only, and permission must be obtained for each instance.
  9. Personal technology devices may be out for use when teacher permission is given.  Otherwise devices must be turned off and put away.
  10. Students shall not have devices out during Nutrition Break (outside and inside) and before school.
  11. Individual teachers will decide, at their discretion, to implement a 'device bin' where they will safely store student devices.
  12. No student will be required to bring a personally owned technology device to school; this is at the discretion of the parent/guardian.
  13. J.P. Robarts staff, school and the board will not be responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items.
  14. A teacher or administrator may confiscate any technology device if it is a disruption at any time, or if it is used in any manner deemed to be inappropriate.
  15. Any technology device used to bully, threaten, or endanger the physical safety or emotional well being of others will be confiscated, held for disciplinary action, and if necessary, provided to law enforcement authorities.
